Scarborough restaurants are innovators, and there's so much great food out there


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When you think of innovation, fields like science and technology probably come to mind before you consider your favourite restaurant.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced small business owners to think outside the box, I've learned that innovation is not new to Scarborough restaurant owners.

Over the years, owner, Mike Marfo of The Suya Spot at 269 Morningside Ave., has seen his business transform from a pizza place to a pizza and suya shop to a restaurant exclusively focusing on suya, West African barbecue.

When Mike was presented with the opportunity to bring The Suya Spot to Scarborough, he jumped at the chance to introduce a wider audience to flavours he grew up with. The biggest challenge, according to Mike, was the learning curve. Customers weren’t familiar with the cuisine and thought the food might be too spicy for their taste.

However, Mike is a hands-on owner and a daily presence at The Suya Spot. In his interactions with customers, he discussed the food and learned customers craved additional West African menu options.

Mike was able to expand his menu and continue to build relationships with his customers. He credits their loyalty for helping the restaurant succeed during the pandemic.