What it’s like living with trichophilia – the sexual fetish for hair


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Whether you consider yourself Dr Sex or a tad vanilla, everyone has their sexual kinks and quirks. You only have to scroll the categories on any pornography website to understand the wide breadth of what these could be, from foodplay to feet and robots to rope – there’s something for everyone. But trichophilia, or hair fetishism – specifically head hair – is a sexual fantasy that predates contemporary porn. 

There’s no denying that the sanctity of hair has been around for centuries, both in reality and fiction. You have the likes of Samson, whose strength was in his hair, Rapunzel, made famous by the Brothers Grimm fairytale, and Lady Godiva, who rode through the streets on horseback entirely naked, covered by nothing but her long wavy tresses. And in a multitude of faiths, hair is also considered to be a very important physical trait. Some Muslim women cover their hair to maintain modesty and privacy from men, while Pentecostal Christians refrain from cutting their hair entirely, as they are taught that long hair is a sacred gift and part of a women’s glory… the list goes on.